Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cologne Cathedral was a magic, after more than 400 stairs now I am ready to survive without elevator.

What impressions do you have from the BuKo Congress?
I was impressed by seeing such a big motivation and wish of young people to make smth important in their country. I liked their method of discussions, the atmosphere of freedom and democratic decisions. It was really very good example of democratic congress and interesting young people, who care for their organization so much, that stayed until late hour in order to make right decisions.

What did you take with you home from BuKo?
The way of questioning, the style of congress in general. It was very effective from the point of active participations of BuKo members, it's another way of giving opportunity to the members to feel that they are very important part of Julis in general. I like it and already think About adopting this style in our congress.

What was especially useful for you as a LYNC member?
The meeting with international staff , where we had a chance to present LYNC, I got good friends and people with whom we will cooperate in future. And I liked the BuKo book, which they've printed before the congress and sent to delegates, I think it's useful tool and this experience needs to be used in case of LYNC too.

What kind of contacts and networking did you make at BuKo?
Meeting Julis young activists, who are already active on international,  was a good  achievement for us, because besides people, who had visited South Caucasus, we talked with other people, who had never been to the South Caucasus region but were interested to help us in our projects. For me it was just great to met there Alexander Plahr, the president of LYMEC, I'm sure now he'll be active in South Caucasus too.
And old good friends from IFLRY, who already helped us with smart ideas connected to our future activities. I can't miss LHG, their international officer's great input to our work in general, I'm really happy that he was there and we had a chance to have another meetings with him in Düsseldorf.

This event was very successful for LYNC, it was full of great ideas, good examples, important contacts and positive feedback.That was great. And I need to write again, Cologne Cathedral was a magic, after more than 400 stairs now I am ready to survive without elevator.

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