Tuesday, April 3, 2012

LYNC Fruitful trip to Germany. Julia and Yegane share their impressions.

Two of LYNC Team delegates Yulia Muzhichenko and Yegane Hajiyeva share their opinion about the trip to JuLis BundesKongress. Particularly, Yulia mentions that the congress was well organized and very interesting. Everyone had a chance to speak up and there was a good atmosphere of discussion there. She has gained a lot of experience in the field of debating and would like to use this format of congress in Georgia later some time. In her words, that was very useful to get to know the point of view of the European citizens. Yulia also values the opportunity to meet the LYMEC president, also Ivo Thijssen and Andreas Goffin, who share a lot of experience with the LYNC delegates.

Yegane shared that she  was impressed with the amount of information regarding future partnership with LYNC and local political party. Yegane emphasized the unique opportunity to start a friendship with the liberal youth of different European countries. It was a good chance to present the perspectives of LYNC to develop network in the South Caucasus countries, tell about the tools and methods of possible support for triggering peace process in the region.

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