Wednesday, July 18, 2012


The liberal values are based on respect for each individual, because we are equal but not the same. You will have the possibility to develop, but whether you reach your goal or not is up to you, the help you organise and the opportunities you create. This is the basic responsibility you have for your life. Liberals will help other people who cannot help themselves, yet we try to help you to reach an independent life. We have to be tolerant if we give other people the same rights we would like for ourselves. And be careful that liberal values don't change in conservatism but evaluate the values and reflect on them on a regular basis.
Ivo Ten Hagen

1. Where are you from, which organization and what is your ideology? What was your development path?

You met me in my role as a trainer for the VVD, a Dutch liberal party. Just after my graduation I became a member because I thought that the party could use some of my not active support. They asked me to become a representative in my city of Boskoop, Netherlands and then I started following trainings and lectures about the party, politics and professional skills. I became an active member and started to give the trainings myself, which I've done for the past ten years.

2. Have you ever been in the South Caucasus before and in which countries? How aware you are about the liberalism problems in our region?

VVD international asked me to conduct a training in Georgia in May last year. It was my first visit to  the South Caucasus and it touched me to see the struggle you are having to express basic freedoms which are so natural in our country that I hardly think about it. I think it changed my way of looking at the world and of the way I give trainings.

3. What do you know about LYNC, have you read (heard) about our organization? What suggestions do you have regarding the activities of LYNC (other youth organizations in the region)?

LYNC started at one of my trainings, so I feel a bit like a founding father. It was nice to see the hard work you all have done. The best development for LYNC is to be an open community, where people can discuss or just watch what is going on. Don't link yourself to parties so you can stay independent.

4. Do you see any opportunity of cooperation between VVD and LYNC? How do you usually treat the opportunities to work with the youth organizations?

VVD and LYNC will have a relation for a long time, because the VVD is committed to help liberal movements all over the world. But we give only training or advise, you have to go your own way, even if we don't like it. It's your development in your region.

5. What teamwork tools do you have?

Teamwork is about trust, responsibility and a strong will to let others succeed. Be open and positive and the world looks brighter.

6. Do you feel yourself a citizen of a certain country? 

As I mentioned before, I'm a member of several community's and I have several roles. I'm Boskoper, Dutch, European and world citizen. I'm a father, a husband and maybe someday a math teacher. There are times when those memberships collide, but I survive because I want to look at an honest man in the mirror. 

7. From a liberal point of view do you think no borders between states is an Utopia?

A world without borders is not my dream. Borders give people a sense of security. It is nice to feel at home in your country. Government should be as close to people as possible. But borders can be open for people to trade or to move. In my dream the world works together, trade together and exchange culture.

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